Throughout America, carload after carload of freight is generated by our short line industry. It is critical that each and every one of these carloads enter into our rail network and arrive safely at its destination in a timely manner.
I would like to thank the men and women of our short line industry for seeing to it that our system of short lines is well maintained and efficiently run. I would also like to thank Linda Bauer Darr and the men and women of the American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association for providing the short line industry with the tools it needs.
Thank you, as well, to the men and women of Congress for working together to give the short line industry the much needed 45G tax credit.
The 45G tax credit is about getting the job done. As railroading has so much cost below the rail, this tax credit truly works. I am grateful so many have come together for so many years to keep the 45G tax credit in place to ensure carload after carload of freight enters our railroad system to keep it working.
Thank you so much to Senators Mike Crapo and Ron Wyden and Representatives Lynn Jenkins and Earl Blumenauer for working together to support the short line industry in creating the permanent Building Rail Access for Customers and the Economy Act. The railroad industry is truly grateful for your work. Thank you.