Saturday, August 6, 2011

Sapp Brothers Truck Stop, Cheyenne, WY

We pulled into Sapp Brother's truck stop in Cheyenne, WY.  The gates were down on I-80 even though the day was clear as a bell.  Mom and I went in and asked the lady behind the register what had happened and apparently a tanker truck had gone off of the road.
We had Diet Coke and I had a slice of apple pie and sat there for about a half-hour, figuring that the waitress would tell the truckers and us when the road would open again.  In the background, I heard a trucker say, “Man, this ain’t no good, I gotta get to Iowa by tomorrow, I can’t be sittin’ here like this.”  We sat there minding our business. 
Finally, fifteen minutes later, I went up to the waitress and asked, “Do you have any idea when the road will be open?”
She said, “Oh, its been open for twenty minutes now.”
“Ugh.”  That’s traveling across America for you.

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