Saturday, June 23, 2012

Contemplation at the Yolo County Fair

The county fair always carried a bit of excitement perched on the edge of contemplation. As we boarded the Ferris wheel, I anticipated the view of Yolo County. It made me feel larger than life to climb to the height of the Adams Grain Elevator blocks away. 
But the view uncovered above ground pools in the burned out yards of double-wides on the east edge of town. I wondered what it would be like to ride one of the rusty tricycles in that back yard."Step this way," the carny said, leading my father, my brother and me off of the wheel. My grandma had told me that when the carnivals moved, men like him traveled with it. That filled my mind with wonder. I thought to myself, "Where does he sleep?" 
"Let's get some cotton candy," my dad said. My kid's mind still could not figure out the greater workings of the carnival.

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